
Preparing to Move Your Office

Clinton’s Transfer & Storage, Inc. Offers Commercial Moving Services

Moving your office to a new building is exciting, but don’t miss the importance of preparing to move your office. An office relocation is a lot of work, regardless of the size of your company. Creating a plan beforehand allows your business to continue working while making a large move. Clinton’s Transfer & Storage, Inc. can help with the move. Give us a call today at (540) 552-3201. Follow these tips to help make your move more successful and less stressful.



Start Planning Early, and Develop a Realistic Timeline

When planning your move, take a look at important business dates and schedule your move around them. Create a committee that includes managers to oversee moving tasks for each department. Involving your staff in the move at an early stage is essential. The relocation committee will help to make the office transition easier on the rest of the employees. When announcing the move to employees, remember to include:


  • Name (if changing)
  • Address of the new office
  • Relocation date
  • Important features of the new office
  • Justification for the relocation
  • Roles of employees during the move (if any)
  • Who employees should talk to if questions about the relocation arise



You also want to make sure that you have a plan to announce your move to clients and the general public.


Create an Office Moving Checklist

Create an inventory of the company’s furniture, assets, documentation, and more before you relocate. Be diligent about labeling your boxes, and create a map for the office. This ensures that all of your items properly fit into the office. It also makes the moving process quicker and easier. Movers and employees won’t need to bother you to find out where something should go if there’s a written plan.



Declutter Your Office Before You Move

It is important to get rid of unnecessary office items before you relocate. You can donate items in good shape or discard items like broken desks, chairs, and shelves. Plan to shred the office documents that you no longer need. Relocating your business is a great time to freshen up old equipment, not only for yourself but for your employees, as well.



For more information on our storage facility, give Clinton’s Transfer & Storage, Inc a call at (540) 552-3201. Follow us on Facebook for updates. We are happy to discuss more about preparing to move your office.